Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If you knew me!!!!!!!!!

If you really knew me then why do i have to Write this down?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Black ops and MW2

Two of the worlds most popular video game of Black Ops and Modern WarFare 2 are in a battle to see who can sell the most games and to see what game has better game quality. These two games people write  reviews  to the games company which game they like more. If I were  to write a review  I would write a good review for both of the video games, but if someone were to ask me " which game I like better" I would pick Black Ops Because I think that the game quality is better and the game is more realistic.
 The two games of Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 are both very good games, but if I was recommending these two games to someone I would recommend Black Ops  because it is not as violent as Modern WarFare 2 and the graphics are a lot better. If  you have played both of these games I think that the maps are more realistic then Modern Warfare 2 and the guns are better. In Black Ops you have to earn your money in games to buy stuff like your guns the attachment and camos for your guns and you have to  buy titles and emblems. In ModernWarfare 2 you just have to unlock your stuff like  your guns the attachment and camos for your guns and you have to buy titles and emblems you don’t really have to do anything besides playing. In Black ops oyu have to bet your money and you have a chance to lose all your money, you have to take chances then if you win you can earn all your money backso I think Black ops is more realistic.
The two games of Black ops and Modern Warfare 2 are two of the best video game I have ever played. Black Ops sold 5.1 Million games in the first 24 hours it was out and Modern WarFare 2 has sold 3.2 million games in the first 24 hours it was out. So out of the two games Black Ops has sold more copy in 24 hours than modern warfare 2 sold. Black Ops is a little better game judging to the game status of the two games. So out of the two worlds  most popular games  of Black Ops and Modern WarFare 2 which one do you like better, which one are u going to buy?

Friday, December 17, 2010


In the art museum I saw this piece that was all glass and was reproduced be a mirror and it looked like it was
going through the wall and didn't stop like it when on constantly . The piece looked very  fragile and expensive it almost looked like a city made of glass.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Wind energy

Wind energy has been called "the renewable technology that has had the biggest impact on our energy usage patterns over the past decade." Wind energy comes from wind hitting turbines on wind farms. Because wind is free, it would cost less money to use. Also, it is better for the environment. It doesn't burn fumes like gasoline or pollute the air. The reason it is a renewable technology is because the air will continue to make energy, constantly renewing itself.

The disadvantage is that you need wind to make the turbines spin. If there is no wind, then there will be no energy.

Friday, October 8, 2010


In a well lighted café there sits a lonely old man drinking alcohol to drowned his sorrows.
Why is he depressed? Does he believe that death is near him and there is no way to escape? Or is it him regretting passed decisions. The old man has a long and rich life, why is he depressed?
Yet the old man is sitting in a corner of the bar surrounded by trees the old man is depressed because he has not company at home. His wife has died and instead of drinking at home he goes to this bar to drink so he can be around people and not be alone.
As the old man sits alone he wonders why is sorrows continued to grow even though he drinks more to drown the sorrows down. The old man will never start a conversation. He always wants someone else to but gets depressed and drinks more when nobody does.
What is Hemingway trying to tell us through this old man? Basically he is trying to tell us to try not to end up like the old man, don’t drink yourself to death and try not to end up alone and depressed.