Friday, October 8, 2010


In a well lighted café there sits a lonely old man drinking alcohol to drowned his sorrows.
Why is he depressed? Does he believe that death is near him and there is no way to escape? Or is it him regretting passed decisions. The old man has a long and rich life, why is he depressed?
Yet the old man is sitting in a corner of the bar surrounded by trees the old man is depressed because he has not company at home. His wife has died and instead of drinking at home he goes to this bar to drink so he can be around people and not be alone.
As the old man sits alone he wonders why is sorrows continued to grow even though he drinks more to drown the sorrows down. The old man will never start a conversation. He always wants someone else to but gets depressed and drinks more when nobody does.
What is Hemingway trying to tell us through this old man? Basically he is trying to tell us to try not to end up like the old man, don’t drink yourself to death and try not to end up alone and depressed.

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